Commercial Litigation

At Macquarie Lawyers, we recognise that litigation is primarily a business problem, not a legal problem and that it is important to understand our clients’ businesses and industries so we can best advise them on how to achieve the best business outcome in litigation.

A client facing litigation, whether as a plaintiff or a defendant, must consider a number of cost, benefit, and risk factors that could impact on any decision to be made including the potential monetary recovery or exposure, the level of litigation expenses, the possible court decisions and its impact on business and company reputation.

At Macquarie lawyers, we use every endeavour to minimise the risk and variables by providing our clients with an early and concise evaluation of the risks and costs associated with the litigation under consideration.

More importantly, our proactive approach to litigation is clear from our active encouragement to clients to resolve disputes through arbitration, mediation and other cost-saving alternatives.
We represent clients in all jurisdictions and at every appellate level, as well as appearing in numerous Tribunals, Administrative and other judicial bodies.
We especially represent clients in commercial litigation matters as well as in planning and building disputes.